Land to live tecnologies

why go online?
Though providing a visitor with a real-life experience, traditional land-based casinos still come with a bunch of drawbacks. The venues can fit only a limited number of people. And since most gambling destinations are outside of the cities, your clients usually have to spend time travelling long distances to reach your casino. To bridge this issue and many others which your business and your visitors face, we suggest you double your monetisation by launching casino live streaming for your existing land casino.
how we work
The idea behind our solution is quite simple. We offer live streaming of casino games, such as roulette and card games, directly from your casino's location. By dedicating just one table to this live casino stream service, your casino can establish an online presence, attracting players from around the world. This service not only enables your regular clients to play from home but also significantly boosts your profits. Our package includes all the necessary equipment, software, and staff training. Additionally, we provide comprehensive support for setting up and managing the live streaming. Moreover, each of our three solutions includes business and customer support, assistance with licensing, and tailored services to meet the specific needs of your market and region.
Online setup for a land-based casino
If you have a land-based casino and want to target the online gaming industry as well, this option will work just perfectly. For the establishment of a new online casino branch CreedRoomz provides you with all necessary software, hardware and support including consultancy and training services. We educate you on the ways the system works on-site, provide all required information and instructions to your staff and dealers and manage the instalment of the technical part. While your land-based casino welcomes its regular visitors, one or many tables are operating in a casino live streaming mode delivering the game play directly to your website for your online players.
Room instalment
To take your online brand one step further, you can utilise your existing casino venue by allocating a space for live streaming alone. In this case you will have a separate room or a hall on the premises of your land-based casino dedicated solely to your online players. The setup does not interfere with the existing games in your casino or violate the privacy policy in any way. Thus, your whole gaming business and operations will be in a single physical location under your full control and with our support and close supervision for the online sector.